Alhamdulillah, tepat jam 11.30 tghari tadi, maka secara rasminya Peperiksaan Akhir Semester 1 buat posting Orthopedic dan Pediatrik telah berakhir. Kepada sahabat2 yang posting Triad dan Psychitry, igt anda masih lagi mempunyai Osce pada hari isnin nie..hehe..
Hm...mungkin entry pada kali ini bersifat agak santai kerana saya hanya mahu berkongsi perasaan sebaik sahaja tamat exam pagi td..So, do i said erk regarding this final sem 1 exam?? Starting from da first day of exam which is ortho teory and just finished by peads osce dis muning...? i think i quick performed well in dis exam coz most of da paper i enjoy answered it.. :) The best one is Ortho teory paper..u know why???..i will stated dat in dis entry..
Basicly, In exam, to hav too easy question is abnormal, but it's normal to hav a few with hard and easy, my frenz, don't get upsad if u feel dat some of da question u can't aswer it coz like Prof Shahril told us, some Dr like to ask dat only he/she knowed da answer..hehe..Here, i like to share wit u all guys one story or i would said it " miracle exam ". I believed everybody had knew it. It happen during my 1st day of da exam when i sit for da ortho teory paper.
Do u know Mr Hisyam? i believe u guy know him. I told u, He is da one dat make dis "miracle exam" happend. Straight to da point, he is da one who "gave" some answered 2 me when i get stuck with one of da KFQ question. I was really surprise at dat time coz i never hope dat he can "gave" dat answer straight 2 me.. So, guy, wat u think?? it's i had cheat in dis exam??.. i dont think so, Wat i can told u guy, it was a" miracle". U know wat, after i gone through all da exam starting from my 1st yer until 3rd yer, this was my 1st time this miracle happen.. After da exam, i realiazed dat, dis "help" absolutely came from Allah..not because of Mr hisyam, and also not bcoz of me, but it is all from the "Allah Plan".. Thank u so much Allah..!!!!
So, dat why i enjoyed answered ortho theory paper..haha. And for da other's paper, i not face a lot of problem, and insyaAllah, with ALLah and ramadhan blessing, i hope i can pass dis ortho and peads exam successfully...Amin!! Hm..i think dat enough for dis entry..At dis moment, wat i fell is dat, I FEEL book anymore,yeah..!!!.. So guy, let us pray 2gather for our success in dis exam, hoping dat all of us will pas and da "Zero Repeater Campign" wil achieve it aim starting from our batch...Amin...To my triad and physic frenz, All da best for da osce physc dis monday..keep on ur track and maintain it. u can do it!!!!...
balik kampung hari selase nie..naper lambat sgt??.. i got my own plan..haha
Last but not least, let keep hunt Al Qadar night since we still hav time in dis 10 last night of ramadhan...!!!!!
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